Hot Tubs Report Woman-in-Spa

How Long Should You Really [Sit] Stay In Hot Tub? [Overexposure]

Hot tubs are made for joy and can improve your health. However, how long should you really stay in a hot tub is another question that I will answer right now. 

The time spent in a hot tub should be between 15 and 30 minutes, depending on the temperature and how often you spend time in a hot tub. Typically, the higher the temperature of the water, the shorter the soak per sitting.  

A lot of people prefer a relaxing, safe soak at about 100 degrees to 102 degrees, while others need a little less warm experience at around 98 degrees. However, there are people who are comfortable at the maximum heat of 104 degrees. For them, the hot tub time will be different.

When you’re trying to find your ideal soak temperature, play around with the different temps. If the water is too hot or too cold, switch it up every couple of days until it’s just right.

How Long Can You Stay In A Hot Tub Before You Die?

We all know that hot tubs are beneficial to your health and that it can affect your overall daily living in more ways than most people can imagine. Especially at this time of the year, with all the holidays around the corner, we use hot tubs to de-stress from all the hustle.

There have been fatal accidents in hot tubs due to dehydration and overheating so you should be careful about how much time you spend in a hot tub.

When it comes to how long you can stay in a hot tub before you can die, that will again depend on your health. If you have any issues with your blood pressure or a heart condition, you should talk to your physician before you start using your hot tub on a daily basis. 

Our normal core body temperature is 98.6 degrees (37 Celsius). Hot tub temperatures usually go anywhere from 100 – 104 degrees. If you decide to stay in your hot tub for too long you will raise your core body temperature above the normal level. This will essentially force your body to have a fever. It is known that temperatures at 43 °C (109.4 °F) and above are generally associated with death.

Generally, higher core body temperature raised above the normal level can result in dizziness, nausea and even loss of conscience. In the end, the extended fever can result in organ and tissue damage, heart attack, stroke and cam end up with death.

However, if you plan to soak on a regular basis, it is crucial that you understand how to run and operate your hot tub safely and adequately. Soaking in a hot tub is hands down the best way to relax, but there can be health risks in case your hot tub is not used properly.

How Long Can You Stay In A Hot Tub At 100 Degrees?

100 degrees is the recommended hot tub temperature assuming that you don’t suffer from any medical issues.

It would be safe to say that 15 – 30 minutes is safe for you to stay in your hot tub. In case you notice any of the following, you should get out of the hot tub immediately:

  • Burn
  • Dizziness
  • Overheating

What Happens If You Stay In A Hot Tub For 24 Hours?

Hot tub overexposure

There are a few problems with hot tub overexposure, so let me explain it. Generally, spending a lot of time in hot water can cause your body to dehydrate. Considering that your body is hot and starting to sweat, it is mandatory for you to get out and take a break every now and then. You should also keep a bottle of iced water closeby and take small sips of cool water every 10 -15 minutes.

On a more broad perspective, there are two things that might limit your time. We will assume that the hot tub time also includes bathroom and food breaks.

  • Thermal effects. Depending on the difference between the hot tub temperature and your core body temperature there will be a time when you have to come out because your core temperature is jumping to dangerous levels. The cumulative experience from previous hot tub baths can decrease your ability to judge your degree of risk which means that you no longer feel hot and your thinking slows down and becomes less effective, which leads to having a higher risk of dying.
  • Non-thermal effects. Staying in the water for a longer period of time assuming it is warm enough so that there are no thermal consequences, will cause your skin to become softer and softer. There is a known story of a small boat sailor who stood in the rain for 36 hours off the west of Ireland in Clew bay. After spending 36 hours of sitting in a very small boat without proper clothing, he decided to row for shore. He was really surprised to find his hands were falling apart on the oars due to the fact they had been wet for so long.

So staying in the water for more than 24 hours without adequate gear will be devastating for your body, and should not be attempted.

How Long Should you Stay in a Hot Tub at 104 Degrees?

Children under 12 years of age must also limit their time in the jacuzzi. They must keep their immersion time under 5 minutes in hot tubs with a temperature of 104 degrees F and below 15 minutes in hot tubs with a temperature between 98 and 104 degrees F. Children must always be accompanied by an adult to ensure their safety and limit their immersion time. Another good rule of thumb for spa safety is to have children sit higher in the tub so that the water line is around their waist.

Adults with medical conditions such as high blood pressure, heart disease, or diabetes should talk to their doctor to determine their personal spa safety rules. This also applies to people taking certain medications.

Adults who do not have significant health problems have more flexibility for their time in a spa. If your spa has a temperature close to 98 degrees F, you can stay there as long as you feel comfortable. This is because the water is close to your body temperature. For baths between 100 and 104 degrees F, it is advisable to take a break every 30 minutes or so to allow your body to cool down.

To be safe in your hot tub, have some water with you to prevent dehydration. A hot tub can make you sweat. You can also keep your chest out of the water to regulate your temperature. Watch for any symptoms such as fatigue or nausea. If you feel nauseous, get out of the bath immediately.

Is it Bad to Go in the Hot Tub Everyday?

When buying a hot tub, many people ask their dealer, “Can I use a hot tub every day? The short answer is yes, it is safe to use your hot tub every day. However, the best question would be, “Will I use my hot tub every day? Your dealer or the research you have gathered comparing hot tub models and features cannot answer that question for you. Instead, you need to evaluate your lifestyle and your priorities to know how often you will take a dip in your hot tub.

Why Can’t you Stay in a Hot Tub Long?

Your body can overheat if you stay in a hot tub for a long time. This can cause symptoms of hypothermia if it’s cold outside or even fainting. Other changes in blood flow to the brain can sometimes cause nausea or vomiting.

How Often Can I Use A Hot Tub?

Most people don’t frequently use their hot tub throughout the year. Many of them enjoy soaking in hot water during winter times, and less during summer times, depending on where they live.

Average of what people have shared on when they use their hot tub is really only a few times per week, for about 15 minutes, mainly in the evening, before they go to bed.

A hot tub that is being used every day for 10 – 15 minutes is generally considered to be acceptable as long as you keep a note on the condition of your skin, blood pressure, and hydration.

What Are The Dangers Of Spending Too Much Time In Hot Tub?

Because the hot tub water is much hotter than in pools, chlorine and other chemicals in charge of protecting you against infections break down much faster. This can increase your risk of infection. Here is a list of dangers to be aware of, that happened to some people in the past.

Hot Tub Rash 

It is also known as Pseudomonas dermatitis or Pseudomonas folliculititis

This is an infection that is caused by the germ Pseudomonas aeruginosa, which results in an itchy, bumpy red rash and pus-filled blisters.

Legionnaires’ Disease 

Legionella is a germ that causes a severe type of pneumonia. It starts by you inhaling the bacteria from the steam of a contaminated hot tub. Symptoms include things like headache, muscle pain, chills, and fever and it usually develops in a day or so after your bath.

Irritations From Bodily Fluids

It is a bad idea to pee in chlorine-filled hot tubs. When urine, sweat, and feces mix with chlorine, it then creates an irritant called chloramine. It is known for chloramine to cause mild symptoms like coughing and red and irritated eyes. As much as it is important that you rinse off right after using your hot tub, it is even more important to shower before you get in to prevent spreading bacteria.

Shigellosis and E. coli 

Just like the others, this one is being spread by poorly maintained hot tubs and dirty bodies getting in and out of them. E. coli can cause stomach pain, fever, and diarrhea. Bathers usually pick up both Shigellosis and E. coli while drinking contaminated water. The good thing is that both usually treat themselves without medical help.

Illnesses From Parasites 

Since the parasite has a hard outer shell, it has become tolerant to chlorine. A lot of people with healthy immune systems do not have problems recovering without medical intervention. However, it is still possible that they may suffer from diarrhea, fever, and vomiting if infected.

Scalding And Burns 

Interestingly enough, more thermal burns are associated with water than fire. In order to experience these severe burns, you would need to sit in 113-degree water for about two hours to get severe second-degree burns. This obviously shouldn’t happen because your hot tub water should never exceed 104 degrees. Experts recommend that adults spend a maximum of 15 minutes in a hot tub at any given time.

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Picture of Emily Williams

Emily Williams

Emily is a passionate Hot Tubs researcher who loves writing about all things Hot Tubs! She has years of experience and a knack for simplifying complex concepts, these articles are here to answer all your burning questions in a simple and easy to read style.
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