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[Fix in 2024] Why is My Hot Tub Water Orange? How do I Fix It?

There are a few potential reasons why your hot tub may have an orange color:

  1. The water may be contaminated with iron or other minerals, which can cause a yellow or orange stain to form on the surface of the hot tub.
  2. The hot tub’s filter may be dirty or clogged, which can cause the water to appear dirty or cloudy.
  3. Certain types of algae can also cause the water in a hot tub to turn orange or brown.

To remove an orange color from a hot tub, you will need to clean the surface of the hot tub thoroughly and balance the chemicals in the water. Using a hot tub cover can also help prevent the buildup of organic matter and minerals on the surface of the hot tub. If the orange color persists despite these efforts, you may need to seek the help of a professional hot tub technician.

Why is my Hot Tub Discolored?

There are a few potential reasons why your hot tub may be discolored:

  1. Chemical imbalances in the water, such as high pH or total alkalinity, can cause the water in a hot tub to appear cloudy or discolored.
  2. The hot tub’s filter may be dirty or clogged, which can cause the water to appear dirty or cloudy.
  3. Organic matter, such as sweat, oils, and lotions, can accumulate in the hot tub and cause the water to appear cloudy or discolored.
  4. Certain types of algae can also cause the water in a hot tub to become discolored.

To remove a discoloration from a hot tub, you will need to clean the surface of the hot tub thoroughly and balance the chemicals in the water. Using a hot tub cover can also help prevent the buildup of organic matter and minerals on the surface of the hot tub. If the discoloration persists despite these efforts, you may need to seek the help of a professional hot tub technician.

How do I get Orange Stains out of my Hot Tub?

To remove orange stains from a hot tub, you can try the following steps:

  1. Balance the chemicals in the water. High pH or total alkalinity can cause orange or yellow stains to form on the surface of the hot tub. Use a water test kit to check the pH and total alkalinity levels in the water and adjust them as needed to bring them into the proper range.
  2. Clean the surface of the hot tub. Use a hot tub cleaner or a mixture of baking soda and water to scrub the surface of the hot tub, paying particular attention to the orange stains.
  3. Use a pumice stone. A pumice stone is a porous, abrasive stone that can be used to gently scrub away stains from a tub or other hard surfaces. Wet the pumice stone and gently scrub the orange stains until they are removed.
  4. Try using vinegar or lemon juice. Both vinegar and lemon juice are natural cleaning agents that can help remove stains from a tub. Apply the vinegar or lemon juice to the stains and let it sit for a few minutes before scrubbing the area with a sponge or a soft-bristled brush. Rinse the area thoroughly with water.

If these methods do not work, you may need to use a more powerful cleaner or seek the help of a professional.

What Causes Hot Tub Water to Turn Brown?

There are several potential causes of brown water in a hot tub:

  1. Organic matter, such as sweat, oils, and lotions, can accumulate in the hot tub and cause the water to appear brown or cloudy.
  2. Certain types of algae can also cause the water in a hot tub to turn brown.
  3. The hot tub’s filter may be dirty or clogged, which can cause the water to appear dirty or cloudy.
  4. Chemical imbalances in the water, such as high pH or total alkalinity, can cause the water in a hot tub to appear cloudy or discolored.

To remove brown water from a hot tub, you will need to clean the surface of the hot tub thoroughly and balance the chemicals in the water. Using a hot tub cover can also help prevent the buildup of organic matter and minerals on the surface of the hot tub. If the brown color persists despite these efforts, you may need to seek the help of a professional hot tub technician.

Picture of Emily Williams

Emily Williams

Emily is a passionate Hot Tubs researcher who loves writing about all things Hot Tubs! She has years of experience and a knack for simplifying complex concepts, these articles are here to answer all your burning questions in a simple and easy to read style.
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