Hot Tubs Report Woman-in-Spa

How Do I Keep My Hot Tub Water Crystal Clear?

The most effective way of keeping hot tub water crystal clear and safe to use is the pH factor. The pH factor in the water should be maintained in a neutral range, ideally between 7.2 and 7.8.

Generally speaking, hot tub water should be checked on a weekly basis, however, if you use your beloved source of relaxation and body wellness source more frequently, it should be checked 2 to 3 times a week.

Keeping water in a hot tub crystal clear is an important task and owners should take precautions, so it does not go over the recommended value, nor below the value of 7.2, that can have harmful effects on the skin.

Using a spa cover is also quite the important step and there are accessories such as a debris remover, that will ensure your hot tub water is free of any leaves or other objects that may fall in. Showering before using the hot tub and wearing a cap can also be very useful. Although these suggestions do sound like a lot of work, it is important to remember that the experience of having a crystal clean hot tub water is much safer and far more enjoyable.

Is Hot Tub Water Crystal Clear?

Yes, hot tub water should be crystal clear. Crystal clear hot tub water can be maintained with a touch of love and time on the owner‘s behalf, that includes diligent monitoring and the right maintenance on a daily basis.

Although hot tub owners are usually initially drawn to the look of crystal clear water in their hot tub, it cannot remain in such a state permanently. Without care, especially if it is exposed to outside elements or not given proper attention a hot tub water deserves, water in the hot tub will lose its original look.

All hot tub owners and those who enjoy the sense of relaxation and wellness that this great product brings to their lives need to understand that, like other organic compounds, water is sensitive to many factors. Hot tub owners should always watch out for any changes in color. Cloudy water is the most common occurrence, but adding the necessary chemicals will prevent any changes in the hot tub crystal clear color (that may be an indication of a more serious issue). This will ensure that the sensation and enjoyment of bading in the hot tub does not go away after initial use. Keeping hot tub water crystal clear is an important task and the owners need to pay attention to this, as this may be one of the first signs that the hot tub water requires more attention and safety.

What can I Put in my Hot Tub to Keep the Water Clean?

Keeping the water clean in a hot tub requires adding the necessary chemicals or organic compounds.

As mentioned previously, pH value is the main factor hot tub owners and enthusiasts should be monitoring with constant maintenance. There are multiple chemicals (organic and non-organic) that help reduce or increase the pH value, bringing it to its recommended scope.

One of the common ways hot tub owners use to increase pH value is by using white vinegar. However, in case the pH value is already high, a compound which will decrease the value is recommended, of course.

Hot tub owners approach this issue with different kinds of methods. Some keep their hot tub water clean by using natural ways, such as regular drainage, cleaning and refilling it with fresh water. After replacement, hot tub silver (an additive containing silver colloid) is added, which kills any remaining bacteria and prevents algae growth between water drainages and refilling.

Other methods that are used include:

  • shocking your hot tub water,
  • adding chlorine-based chemicals which will sanitize the hot tub water
  • adding sanitizing chemicals like chlorine requires at least 1 minute of running your hot tub with the cover off

It might be a good idea to refill your hot tub with filtered water, as this prevents a cloudy look later on. Finally, an important step is cleaning the filters of the hot tub regularly, they are known to catch a lot of particles that need to be removed from the water. In extreme cases, replacing your hot tub filters is also an option.

Why does my Hot Tub Water Look Cloudy?

Some of the most likely causes for cloudy water in the hot tub are either due to high usage, an inadequate amount of sanitizer, or both, in some cases.

However, hot tub owners can remain calm regarding this issue, as the answer for this is fairly simple and easy to apply. All that is required to resolve this issue is to use bromine or chlorine at the recommended dosage and allow it to filter out the cloudy, unattractive look.

Higher pH values can also cause cloudy water in the hot tub if not regulated properly. High pH values can cause formation of scales that not only cloud hot tub water, but also indicate an ineffective sanitization process.

Another reason for cloudy water in a hot tub can be found at the very origin. In cases where the water source contained a high calcium hardness level. In these cases, calcium levels are simply too high and may separate from the water mixture, causing cloudiness in the water. The solution for this kind of issue is also quite simple. Adding a calcium decreasing compound should be able to do the trick.

Lack of showering before getting into a hot tub may also cause the issue of cloudy hot tub water. Any chemicals on your body, including oils, phosphates and detergents will contribute, even natural hand soap, sweat or particles of dirt. Finally, inadequate filtration can be the cause as well.

Cloudy water in the hot tub may seem like a major issue, but it is one that is easily dealt with, with a little effort. Because the cause of cloudiness can be a combination of factors, identifying the issue is the first step. If after using recommended procedures does not bring results, a clarifier is always an option or simply draining and refilling your hot tub.  

How do you Kill Bacteria in a Hot Tub?

The most efficient way to get rid of those bacteria that may represent a health hazard to any hot tub enthusiast is to use chemicals, such as chlorine-based, that are made for sanitization.

Chlorine-based chemicals can get rid of most bacteria and harmful microorganisms just within a few minutes, if used properly. Free chlorine is a more efficient method, but raises the level of chemicals in the hot tub water. Adding bromine and using tests to stabilize the pH value can also be very effective. If these methods seem to be too chemical-based and the hot tub owner is looking for a more natural solution, drainage and thorough cleaning of all surfaces and filters, then replenishing the hot tub with fresh water can be a solution as well.

When hot tub water is not monitored nor treated properly, it can become a breeding ground for all sorts of microorganisms, algae and bacteria. These represent a serious hazard to the owner‘s health, or anyone else using the hot tub. This is why it is so important to keep your hot tub water free of such unhealthy elements. Regular drainage, cleaning all components and refilling the hot tub is an owner‘s responsibility, to ensure uninterrupted safe enjoyment, rest and much needed relaxation.

How Long does Hot Tub Water Stay Clean?

Hot tub water usually stays clean for approximately a week. However, if used more frequently, the water will require additional attention and possible slight adjustments, if needed.

A weekly cleansing of hot tub water is highly recommended and essential for the hot tub owner’s health. A more thorough cleaning is required every three months, which implies draining the water from the hot tub and replacing it with fresh, preferably filtered water. Also, it is very important keeping your filters clean, a job that is recommended every month approximately.

The duration of clean hot tub water basically depends on the owner, frequency of use and the care which is required for this relaxing and enjoyable activity. Cleaning the filters regularly will limit the amount of chemicals needed to keep your hot tub water clean, so any hot tub owner ought to pay attention to this. Clean hot tub water is not only a matter of aesthetics, but a health requirement as well, due to possible negative implications if left unattended and not monitored properly. Maintaining clear water in the hot tub requires some time and work by the hot tub owner, but, at the end of the day, it is far more rewarding to enjoy the full benefits of this luxurious product, without needing to worry about health risks for the owner or any guests that may be joining him.

How Long Does it Take for Hot Tub Water to Clear?

The waiting time for the hot tub water to clear is usually around 24 hours, provided that the hot tub is running and all jets are turned on as often as possible.

With proper treatment, the maximum time hot tub water is cleared is three days. Clearing the hot tub water can be achieved by shocking it, that oxidises the water and gets rid of any bacteria that may cause discoloration. Also, chlorine or bromine-based capsules can be used as well.

Cleaning the hot tub water depends on the way you approach the issue, the amount of cloudiness that occurred and the attention the hot tub had during previous uses. Some of these methods can clear the water fairly quickly, if the hot tub was properly maintained and with care. However, if it was left neglected and additional factors such as debris, food particles or chemicals and natural matters were brought in the water due to lack of showering prior to entering the hot tub, it can take a while longer.

It is also important that regular drainage and refilling, filter cleaning and using a spa cover all affect the process in a different manner, so although it seems that a lot of additional labor needs to be put in, if treated responsible and with care, hot tub water can be cleared quickly and easily.

How do I Know if my Hot Tub Has Bacteria?

There are several signs that can be noticed regarding your hot tub water that contains bacteria or harmful microorganisms. Most easily detection comes from our sense of smell, so if the water has a particular, unusual odour, there may be a good chance that it contains bacteria. Another way of finding this out is using test strips, which measure the pH value in the hot  tub water.

There are also safety tests which can determine the presence of bacteria without a doubt, such as Safety Test-Panels. The other, less pleasant way of finding this out, in case you missed the original signs, is through your body and skin. Bacteria can cause high temperatures, rash and other symptoms within a day or two of using the hot tub.

Hot tub owners and users may also experience fatigue and a sense of itchiness, redness of the skin and other symptoms. In most cases, the presence of bacteria in hot tub water indicates a lack of sanitizer in the water, so the owner needs to monitor and keep track of the amount used.

Unclear water, cloudiness and visible algae or slime are also the obvious signs of bacterial infestation.

Shock treatment and replacing or cleaning the existing filters can be of great use in getting rid of those pesky, unwanted inhabitants of your place of leisure and enjoyment, but diligent oversight and proper care can usually prevent these issues from ever coming up.

How do I Keep my Hot Tub Water Fresh?

The main three ways of keeping your water fresh are rinsing, spraying and soaking of hot tub filters. Use of sanitizers in the right ratio is also an important part of keeping the hot tub water fresh.

Rinsing implies keeping clean and rinsing your hot tub filters as much as possible with warm water or a garden hose, particularly if the hot tub is used more than once a week and the owner enjoys its benefits more frequently.

Spraying filters of the hot tub every week or so with a hot tub filter cleaner to provide a thorough and decent clean is another approach to this matter.

Soaking the filters in a chemical cleaner every time the hot tub water is drained and refilling it to extend their life and loosen any stubborn particulates is an alternate way to go. A thorough rinse of them is required afterward.

Balancing the hot tub‘s chemistry is quite important regarding this question. It requires measuring a baseline reading after the hot tub is filled with water. Later on, various chemical-based products can be added to correct that all-important pH value. Regular and particular cleaning of the hot tub is also a factor, so all hot tub owners out there should perform this task with patience and care.

Picture of Emily Williams

Emily Williams

Emily is a passionate Hot Tubs researcher who loves writing about all things Hot Tubs! She has years of experience and a knack for simplifying complex concepts, these articles are here to answer all your burning questions in a simple and easy to read style.
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